We have been very busy since Christmas. Here is an update on the latest in the Farrell home.
In January we began our search for a permanent home. After a few phone calls and drives through the neighborhoods we learned a few things about NJ real estate. If you want to rent an apartment regardless of whether its a 2-family home or a large complex you have to go through a realtor - and that realtor comes with a fee that the renter is required to pay. Nice, so not only would we be putting one and a half months rent in as a deposit we would also pay the realtor 1 month's rent. Scary huh! We needed to take our search to another level. So Chris called a friend and eventually everything just fell into place. Crazy how quickly God works sometimes. We are un-believably blessed!!! We are now the proud renters of a 3 bedroom apartment. Its actually a 2 family home so we have 1 neighbor downstairs but seperate entrances. We have all hardwood floors & tile - which we love! Chris' allergies are thanking us as well! The kitchen is nice and big and the price was just right. Along the way we also made some great friends in our landlords. Dave & Joy Meyer are two amazing Godly people. They continually bless us in ways we never imagined. The day we moved in they even provided lunch.....then later that day when everything has settled Joy puulled me aside and gave me our first housewarming gift. She has gone to the store and bought all of her favorite cleaning products, sponges, paper towels, dish detergent, laundry detergent (Tide HE for the new front-loading washer), hand soap, popcorn and a few others. She also gave me a dish towel she made. These people are pure gold! Did I mention that Dave is giving up more time tomorrow to help me hang my curtains :) We are finally planting our roots in New Jersey.
Here are a few pictures - we'll call these before because there is still some work to do. My apologies to Brooke - we did not take pictures outside tonight because its snowing. We'll have to do that the next go round.
Chris had a specifically busy February, we moved and then a week later he put on a Shane & Shane concert at the church. It went off great! If the weather had cooperated many more people would have made it - we still had a full house! People drove 2 and 3 hours in the snow to get there. We enjoyed meeting the group as well as Starfield and Bethany Dillon. David Nasser also provided a great message & wonderful entertainment! It was a fantastic night of worship & praise! We look forward to doing it again soon. We know many were blessed by the message & the music.
This year we celebrated our Valentine's with a weekend getaway to Colonial Williamsburg, Va. Chris & I both had a 3 day weekend so we took full advantage! We had not been on vacation since our honeymoon - it was time. We relaxed, saw the sights, took a few tours, drank some wine & just enjoyed every bit of it. My job has been really crazy lately so it was the perfect way to wind down and just get back to hanging out with my fabulous husband! These pictures really don't capture his personality well enough :) He is my everyday blessing!
Thanks for a perfect weekend baby!